The final installment in our four-part series: Story, Gifts, Passion, Purpose - a journey through owning our story, discovering our gifts, finding our passion, and living with purpose.
Listen in for a word and an encouraging real-life example of someone living with great purpose (*it has nothing to do with your job.)
#newmarketontario #townofnewmarket #church #newwinenewmarket #storygiftspassionpurpose #mainstreetnewmarket #worship #sermon #purpose
The third of four in our series: Story, Gifts, Passion, Purpose - a journey through owning our story, discovering our gifts, finding our passion, and living with purpose. Listen in for a word about how we live out of our story and gifts with passion.
#newmarketontario #townofnewmarket #church #newwinenewmarket #storygiftspassionpurpose #mainstreetnewmarket #worship #sermon
This is the second of four in our series: Story, Gifts, Passion, Purpose - a journey through owning our story, discovering our gifts, finding our passion, and living with purpose. Listen in as we talk about our gifts and their role in our lives.
#newmarketontario #townofnewmarket #church #newwinenewmarket #storygiftspassionpurpose #mainstreetnewmarket #worship #sermon
A look at what agape love looks like in a world riddled with scarcity...
1 Corinthians 13:1-8
We take a look at the story of Acts 2, where the Holy Spirit shows up as fire, wind, and the miraculous gift of language to begin God's vision and mission for a unified, multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, and multi-lingual church!
Something that we humans can be so unfortunately good at...Can we talk about differences without being divisive? Yes, let's!
Join us for a sermon about the early church in Corinth (1 Cor 1:10-18), how divisiveness creeps in and how we can stay united in Jesus.
Join us for a look at Acts 3:1-10 and what it means to live our ordinary lives with the Kingdom of God within us and seeing it in front of us.
In part 1 of our new sermon series: Narrative Lectionary, we take a look at the ascension of Jesus, the gift of the Holy Spirit, and the invitation to take part in the Great Co-Mission together as the church and the Holy Spirit.
Join us for Palm Sunday where we talk about raising the dead to life, donkeys, and our expectations of Jesus.
Part 4 of 5 in our Questions of Jesus Series - a look at self-doubt and Jesus and Peter walking on water in Matthew 14.
A word about faith, suffering, doubt, and hope from Mark 9:14-25.
Join us for part 2 of 5 in our sermon series: The Questions of Jesus, as we look at Jesus' question, "Do you want to be well?" from John 5:1-15.
In part 1 of 5 in a new series called, “The Questions of Jesus”, we take a look at Matthew 16:30-20 and Jesus’ question, “Who do you say that I am?”
A word about what it means to be the church, on movement, together.
We're wrapping up our sermon series: Reset by talking about the distraction of our phones are changing the chemistry of our brains and what a radical invitation from God can give us.
A look at hurry, how it looks, what it does and following Jesus' example of how to move about in a frenetic world.
Welcome to week 3 of our sermon series: Reset - The lives we lead and the rhythm we need. This week we talk about crowds, how they work, how they distract and not only where but who Jesus is calling us to.
Welcome to week 2 of our sermon series: Reset - The lives we lead and the rhythm we need. This week we talk about noise, what it causes, how it distracts and how to listen.
Back to school
Back to work
Back to life...back to reality (shout out Soul ✌️ Soul)
Time to hit reset 😮💨
👉 Introducing our new sermon series looking at the lives we lead and rhythm we need. This week we look at chasing muchness and manyness and Jesus' yoke (Matthew 11:28-30).
Home/Church: How homes transformed people’s lives and grew a church in the New Testament.
This series is about living intentionally. Living intentionally with who you are, whatever you have and letting the Holy Spirit do its work in tandem with you.
This week we're in the story of Peter and Cornelius from Acts 10.
Home/Church: How homes transformed people’s lives and grew a church in the New Testament.
This series is about living intentionally. Living intentionally with who you are, whatever you have and letting the Holy Spirit do its work in tandem with you.
This week we're talking about the healing of Aeneas and resurrection of Tabitha from Acts 9:32-43.
Home/Church: How homes transformed people’s lives and grew a church in the New Testament.
This series is about living intentionally. Living intentionally with who you are, whatever you have and letting the Holy Spirit do its work in tandem with you.
This week we're talking about Saul's conversion in Acts 9.
Home/Church: How homes transformed people’s lives and grew a church in the New Testament.
This series is about living intentionally. Living intentionally with who you are, whatever you have and letting the Holy Spirit do its work in tandem with you.
This week we're talking about the time Jesus sent the 72 disciples in Luke 10:1-11
Sermon 4 of 4 in our sermon series "Centered", a look at how prayer centers our lives, gives a glimpse into part of Pastor Erick's journey and the grace of God that pulls together our scattered, pulled apart lives.
Part 3 of our 4-part sermon series, Centered, “When there are no words” is about praying when you’ve got nothing left…no words, no strength, no thing.
We kick off our sermon series "Centered", which is a look at prayer, our experience with it and how we relate to God through it.
Part 2 of our 4-part sermon series, Centered, “This, then” takes a look at what’s known as “The Lord’s Prayer” and its implication for life together.