worship rhythm
Week 1: Word + Table
On the first Sunday of each month, we worship through song, prayer, preaching, and communion. Our communion table is open to all who hunger and thirst for Jesus.
Week 2: Worship Café
On the second Sunday of the month, we gather around small tables to eat, read, and explore the Bible together through questions, thoughtful reflection, and conversation. Lately, we’ve been discussing the parables of Jesus.
Week 3: Word
On the third Sunday of the month, we gather for worship in song, prayer, and preaching.
Week 4: Justice Stories + Vespers
On the fourth week of the month, we gather to worship in song (vespers) and delve into a matter of injustice in our world and community. This service is filled with stories of people, injustices, conversations about these matters, and what God might be calling us to do about it.
Week 5: Mission
On the occasion where there is a fifth Sunday in a month, we go out as a church on mission. On these Sundays, we worship through action and engagement with our local community.
Time and place will vary and be communicated under the “Calendar + Events” tab.